Daqi Fang
b.1992, Wuhan, China
Daqi is a multi-media visual artist, photographer and graduate of MFA Photography, Video and Related Media at School of Visual Arts, His interests lie in the digital era, fantasy for nature environment and human’s interactivity with it, his work has been widely showed in different countries and on numerous publications, now he lives and works in New York.
方大祺毕业于纽约视觉艺术学院摄影,视频一集相关媒体研究生学院,他的作品主要关于电子信息时代,关于对自然环境的向往与诗学,以及人类在这两者之间的交互存在。2014年旅居美国,作品曾于纽约HOLOCENTER博物馆,波士顿AREA画廊,伦敦CARMEL BY THE GREEN画廊,华沙NOWOLIPKI画廊以及温哥华SLIDEROOM画廊等著名艺术机构有所展出,艺术家现居住工作在纽约。
Daqi Fang’s “Plastic Utopia II” is the second phase of a three-part series, in which the artist recreates landscapes first seen in dreams from satellite images drawn from Google Earth. These photographs speak to the disconnect between an absolute, quantified nature and the surreal plasticity of such data—which, as in Borges’s Library of Babel, can be rearranged in infinite possibilities, but only once it begins to resemble something of natural beauty does it take on significance. By including figures of himself, he also suggests the possibility of inhabiting this immaterial realm.
These images are partial work of “Plastic Utopia II” shown at Carmel by the Green, London, in the group show Elsewhere is a Negative Mirror. Inspired by the shock of Brexit in Britain and corresponding xenophobic, nativist tones in US and European politics, Elsewhere is a Negative Mirror features the work of eight international artists who responded to the set theme of Borders. Each photographer explores boundaries in the midst of a reconfiguration, provoking a reconciliation with the limits at which one defines identity, homeland, and ontological frameworks.
方大祺的“塑料乌托邦 (二)” 是一个三章作品<塑料乌托邦>的第二部分,在其中艺术家将“梦境”之中的风景在现实中以谷歌地球中的卫星图像打碎而后重新拼接。火山口蔓延森林, 碎海半浮于峡谷,山间流下沙漠...这些图像讲述着数据仿真的“塑料质感”在真实绝对的自然上的一种失联,正如博尔赫斯的《 巴别图书馆》中提到“这可以被重新编排入无尽的可能性之中,然而只有当它开始显现出自然之美它的意义才被凸现出来”。每张风景里面都行走着艺术家自己的小小躯体, 这也是艺术家对自己梦境的一种接近。
图为“塑料乌托邦(二)”的部分作品在伦敦Carmel by the Green画廊群展“Elsewhere Is a Negative Mirror” 中的展出图片。以英国退欧所引发的震惊及其所连带出的排恐慌还有一些英美政治家的本土论强调为灵感,“Elsewhere Is a Negative Mirror” 是以8位来自不同国家的艺术家的作品对“边界”这个概念的一次回应。每个艺术家利用不同的主题在重新布局的路途中,在自我认同的限制下所引发的和解中,在讲述着家园的故事以及在存在论的框架中…探索着不同的“边界”。