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Louvre launches new donation campaign for the acquisition of the Teschen Table

2014-10-20 08:56:47 来源:artdaily 0次浏览


PARIS.- In the wake of the Tous mécènes ! (Become a patron!) donation campaigns launched by the museum in 2010 for a painting by Cranach, in 2011 for the restoration of two treasures from Cairo, in 2012 for the acquisition of two magnificent ivory statuettes thought lost, and in 2013 for the restoration of the Winged Victory of Samothrace, the Louvre is once again appealing to the generosity of the general public to raise one million euros to add to its national collection with the purchase of the famous Teschen Table, a masterpiece of 18th-century decorative arts and monument commemorating a key moment in European history.

One of the world's most unique pieces of furniture The Teschen Table, also known as the Breteuil Table or the Table of Peace, is the only work of its kind, made unique by its illustrious past and virtuoso craftsmanship. Both a table and a piece of jewelry, it was listed as a “National Treasure” then as a “Work of Major Heritage Value” by the French Consultative Commission for National Treasures. The table's wooden structure, clad with gilt bronze, is inset with 128 numbered samples of semiprecious stones representing Saxony’s geological riches and Saxony porcelain medallions, allegorical celebrations of peace, on the table’s oval top. A booklet from 1780, kept in a drawer beneath the tabletop, identifies each numbered stone. By the precious nature of the materials used, likening it to the work of a jeweler, and the “stone cabinet” layout of the tabletop, the table is a surprising and spectacular display of the rise and development of the natural sciences during the Enlightenment. It masterfully illustrates the secular tradition of decorative furniture made to the glory of European sovereigns.

A new call for individual donations for this historic acquisition

The total budget for this exceptional acquisition is 12.5 million euros. Every donation, regardless of the amount, will be crucial to the success of the campaign to give the Teschen Table its rightful place in the Department of Decorative Arts. The Louvre is thus appealing to the generosity of the general public once again to raise one million euros before January 31, 2015.

At the same time, the museum continues to seek funding from corporations and major donors, and will draw significantly on its own acquisition funds.

Previous donation campaigns have demonstrated the general public's strong support for the projects and desire to contribute within their means to enriching the Louvre's collection. This fifth campaign will further strengthen the ties between the museum and the public.


推荐关键字:Louvre Teschen Table


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