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[Artron Exclusive] Peng Xiangjie to Sell Photographer Hou Deng Ke’s Famous Work “New Hat”

2013-01-23 15:20:58 作者:Nicholas Deng 来源:Artron.net 0次浏览


Peng Xiangjie, as the owner to the rights to Hou Deng Ke’s only remaining original piece, the famous photograph “New Hat”, has stated that he will be putting it up for sale. The money earned from the sale will go toward funding the publication of “The Complete Works of Hou Deng Ke”.

Measurements: 10x12 inches

Origin: Hou Deng Ke’s prize-winning submission to the 1983 Popular Photography Monthly photo competition, which he personally developed. The work is autographed by Hou Deng Ke, including in writing the category of the submission, his unit address, etc.

This is the only copy of the only surviving original work by Hou Deng Ke. Of the works which the photographer had enlarged before his passing, almost none of them were autographed, and even then, most were gifts to his friends and loved ones, symbolizing how precious they are to him.


推荐关键字:Hou Deng Ke photographer


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