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Masterpieces of Chinese Lacquer from the Mike Healy Collection at Heather James Fine Art

2011-07-25 09:12:32 来源:artdaily 0次浏览


The exquisite group of pieces represent the finest examples of carved red lacquerware from China's Yuan and Ming dynasties.

Heather James Fine Art announced on July 20, 2011 the exclusive offering of selections from Masterpieces of Chinese Lacquer from the Mike Healy Collection. The exquisite group of pieces represent the finest examples of carved red lacquerware from China’s Yuan and Ming dynasties. The techniques used in creating red carved lacquer motifs are exacting, cutting through several layers of lacquer that was dyed red with cinnabar. The skilled artisans fashioned elaborate designs of landscapes, flowers, and dragons among other popular and expressive themes.

One of the many magnificent examples of lacquerware on offer is an ornate plate with chrysanthemum pattern (Ming dynasty, 14th-15th Century; possibly late Yuan dynasty 1260-1368). Five fully opened chrysanthemum blossoms are expertly displayed against a backdrop of densely packed carved leaves. The blossoms and leaves extend around and down the sides of the plate. Additionally there is a finely carved flat band encircling the lip of the plate. The perimeter of the leaves and blossoms are deeply carved resulting in an evenness to the depth indicating a consistent finish.

A pale brown yellow color is used for the background enhancing the carving’s sense of dimension. Another lacquerware piece is a stunning octagonal plate (Yuan dynasty, 14th century) with a finely carved motif of a pair of birds, one nestled among delicate branches of a tree and the other resting on rocks. A petal and flower border assuages the octagonal shape of the plate and adds an extra dimension of decoration. The intricate flower design sits above a yellow colored background which enhances the contrast between the natural elements and the carved patterns.

Other pieces on offer include a box with cranes in flight design, a carved brush with cover, a round box with lychee motif, and a polychrome lacquered plate with double dragon design. These works were part of an exhibition which traveled to Honolulu Academy of Arts, China Institute of America, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, and the Asian Art Museum, Berlin.


推荐关键字:Chinese Lacquer Fine Art Heather James Mike Healy Yuan dynasty


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