[Disappearance of Average, 平均失踪]:
“平均失踪时代”艺术的变化(The Change of Art in the ‘Age of average disappearance’)
By LEE Janguk
The word average has a dictionary meaning ‘the quality or amount of various things that are made uniformly even’, and also means ‘the number with an intermediate value’. It has been called in other words such as plain(平凡) standard(基準), ordinary(通常), normal(普通), and mass(大衆). That ‘average’ is now disappearing. Specifically, the average value representing the group is in the process of vanishing. The average value, which was taken for granted by the marketplace, society, and individuals, has disappeared in the past, but the speed has grown more rapidly in recent years.
The polarization of capitalism has spread the imbalance which is more rapidly tilted to one side as it responds to the unprecedented pandemic and global economic crisis. Traditionally, in times of recession, people have looked for super savings(超節約) products. But now we have a different situation. It's not just very cheap products that sell well. The luxury market at very high prices also tends to grow as a whole. What is shrinking is the ‘medium’ mass market. Therefore, the term ‘the age of average disappearance’ is coming up.
The average is losing ground in our society, and this is due to three factors. The first is ‘polarization(兩極化)’ where the middle disappears. Aside from the economic polarization caused by the pandemic, the rapidly changing international situation, and the economic recession, the phenomenon of polarization of learning and information levels is also intensifying. The second is the 'N polarization(N極化)' which propagates in various ways. As we enter a hyper-personalization society, the needs of consumers also lose their common denominator and are subdivided into ‘nano’ units. The third is ‘unipolarization(單極化)’ which is centered upon one. It refers to a situation where a few large companies that can cope with rapid change wisely monopolize the market and attract everyone to one place.
我们无法保证“平均”能够安全。以“无趋势即趋势”的MZ时代(MZ Generation)为中心,在各个领域中能够寻找试图从摆脱平均的迹象。平均失踪趋势严重警告着现社会。代表“平均”的平凡人生、平平无奇的商品、毫无特色的建议,这些所谓“标准”正在改变。“普通”并非代表会被时代保留,“普通”意味着面临淘汰。因此,应该变得特殊。只有超越标准,表现出比他人高出一倍,甚至更强烈的热情,才有可能在这无法预测、充满不确定性的时代中生存。
There is no guarantee that the average will be safe anymore. Signs of rupture in the average is already appearing everywhere, centered on the MZ Generation, where to them, ‘trendy means the absence trend.’ What the average disappearing tendency suggests to us is serious. The standard of ordinary goods, ordinary lives, ordinary opinions, and normal standards that can be expressed in the form of averages are changing. If it's normal, it doesn’t survive, it falls behind. So, the specialty is required. It can be said that it is only when one is armed with extraordinary intensity above the average, that one can survive a period of unpredictable uncertainty.
以“MZ时代”为中心,为脱离平均,抵达平均之上的激烈生存游戏,很显然影响着当前社会。作为近2至3年焦点的虚拟货币(Virtual currency)、NFT艺术、艺术投资(Art investments)等实例中能够发现,比任何人都更敏感地获取信息,比任何人都更积极地利用这些信息来维护自身利益,便是使他们得以生存并区别于他人的特点。
The survival game, which is ferociously played around the MZ generation, clearly affects society in general. As can be seen in the cases of virtual currency, NFT art, and art investments, which have been a hot topic for the past two tothree years, they are more sensitive than anyone else to acquiring informationfor survival, and are more involved than anyone else in the use of theinformation for their own benefit.
Art has been with us, and is not something special and unusual. An era where the average pattern response has vanished from these standards. Thus, what is the demand in the art market? And which artworks will be recognized?
皮埃尔·布尔迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)在“区分(Distinction)”(1984)中认为,对于取向,艺术并非人类固有的对创造精神的表达,而是具有相互不同取向的群体间相互斗争并加以区分的场域(Champ)空间。“取向”生产艺术,赋予每个消费的个体其独特惯习(Habitus)。在社会关系中内化,并影响着“社会各阶级间互相划清界限加以区分”。
Pierre Bourdieu declared in 「Distinction」(1984) that art is not the expression of man's unique creative spirit. but a place(Champ, Pierre Bourdieu) of distinction in which different tastes clash and debate. Taste produces the unique Habitus of the individual who produces and consumes art, and internalized in social relationships has a great influence on the ‘distinction’ of classes.
Like everyone's taste, it connects and disconnects people. According to Bourdieu's argument, those who are ahead of their time prefer things that can only be appreciated only by investing a certain amount of time and learning in the choice of art and music. One of their important features is the feeling of choosing what is unpopular and what stands out from others.
如果认为过去更倾向于为经济主体的大量消费者并满足平均消费基层的调性(Tone and Manner),那么如今该通过怎样的范式(paradigm)去接近、解决这一系列问题?艺术该如何适应新环境?应该使用针对“极微小、刁钻目标”的范式去接近,即“想要在这样的时代下生存,只有‘让自己变得更刁钻’”。
In the past, if economic actors aimed at tone and manner for a large number of consumers, the average round consumer, what paradigm would they need to address the problem now? And how should that be applied to art? This should be addressed with a custom paradigm for 'pointed' targets. “There's only one wayto stay alive in this age. We ought to be sharper."
As the average disappears, extreme forms of consumption and values became more prominent. In other words, no matter how expensive one may pay as much for the work they really want, and in the opposite case they will turn an extreme blind eye to those that aren’t. The future has arrived where excellence, differentiation, and irreplaceable diversity come into play. Through this exhibition, I would like to show a sharp example (section) of artists of individual tastes from the planner of this exhibition. We hope that the viewing audience will also have an opportunity to reflect on one another's preferred tastes and values.