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2022-08-09 09:26:54 来源:艺术家提供 0次浏览


  近年来随着网络科技的发展,似乎冥冥之中有一个我们看不到的网络虚拟空间系统或未来世界正在建立,我们常常听到一些新奇的概念:VR、AR、赛博朋克、元宇宙……在众多此类概念的影视作品中更直观的领略到了想象的无极限,那是一个庞大的探讨性极强的课题,跨领域已不再是一个简单的“跨界”概念所能包容的全部内容。总有一些敏锐的人,他们像是自带雷达系统,早早地就探测到了这些尖端科技的声音,而试图以自我的学习与理解去解读和重构它对个人以及未来的影响。文廣恰是这样的艺术家,在他的作品中可以看到一些关于AR领域、数字媒介的探索以及网络概念的呈现,这或许就是那个触角一样的雷达所探测到的信息,于是生成了这些极具科学前瞻性视角的作品!  --柴文波

  In recent years, with the development of network technology, it seems that there is an invisible network virtual space system or future world being established. We often hear some novel concepts: VR, AR, cyberpunk, metauniverse... Among many film and television works with such concepts, we have a more intuitive understanding of the unlimited imagination, which is a huge and highly exploratory topic, Cross cutting is no longer all that a simple “cross-border” concept can contain. There are always some sharp people who, like their own radar system, have detected the sound of these cutting-edge technologies early, and try to interpret and reconstruct its impact on individuals and the future with their own learning and understanding. Wen Guangqia is such an artist. In his works, we can see some exploration of AR field, digital media and the presentation of network concepts. This may be the information detected by the antenna like radar, so these works with a very scientific and forward-looking perspective have been generated --  wenbo Chai


推荐关键字:文广 文廣的作品极具科学前瞻性视角 柴文波


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