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2020-09-02 10:38:04 作者:艺术家提供  来源:艺术小广播 0次浏览



The late Western Zhou Dynasty refers to the period of more than 100 years, such as king Li, Gonghe, King Xuan and King Youwang. During this period, the types and forms of bronzes decreased, and the shapes and patterns were simple and practical, and tended to be stereotyped and stylized. Through the process of the alternation and transformation between the old and the new in the middle of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the bronzes in the late Western Zhou Dynasty were the continuation of the middle period in terms of shape and decoration, but there was no such complicated situation as that in the middle period of the Western Zhou Dynasty. At this time, a small number of new shapes appeared, but the overall change was not significant.



1 modeling features

On the whole, the bronze ritual vessels in the late Western Zhou Dynasty had no prominent changes in shape and form, and there were few varieties. Basically, they were in a stagnant state, but there were still some small changes.



There are two popular styles of Ding in the late Western Zhou Dynasty: one is the hanging belly tripod used in the middle period, such as Yu Ding and Shi Song Ding. Its shape is like big and small Ke Ding; the other is Yu Ding. These two kinds of tripods are both animal hooves. During this period, Yu Ding developed rapidly and was a typical shape. The belly of tripod can also be divided into deep, medium and shallow types.


In the late Western Zhou Dynasty, there are still two kinds of Guan: round and square. The steamer of the former is lower and wider, while the latter is becoming more and more popular. For example, Bo Shuo Fu Guan and Shu Shuo Fu Fu Guan are all Fang Guan.


The pots in the wine vessels are still like the mid-term long necked pot and square pot. The square pot seems to have a certain development. For example, the lid of Songhu and Liangqi pots are lotus petal shaped, which is a new style appeared in the late Western Zhou Dynasty and was very popular in the spring and Autumn period. There is also a type of foot heat, full fat and short, small mouth with a cover and wide shoulder, a chisel can hold, or self inscription for Ying.



Pattern and decoration

The pattern composition of the late Western Zhou Dynasty is concise and sparse, the depiction is strong and powerful, and the types are reduced compared with the middle period. From the perspective of art appreciation value, it has far exceeded that of the late Shang Dynasty and the early Zhou Dynasty. The most common are wavy pattern, transverse "s" and "C" shape deformed animal pattern and scale pattern. The main reason is that it is difficult to transform and abstract the image of the main body. During this period, the thunder pattern degenerated, the bird pattern disappeared, and the three-dimensional animal accessories were not developed. In addition, there are string patterns, double Kui patterns and flat snake patterns. The appearance of overlapping dragon patterns is limited to individual objects, such as the dragon pattern of songding.




3 features of inscriptions

There are many long inscriptions in this period, and the contents are mostly formatted imperial rites. There are many contents about war and land inquisition. During the reign of King Xuan, the longest bronze inscription of the Western Zhou Dynasty appeared, with a 499 character inscription, recording King Xuan's edict to Duke Mao. In addition, at the end of the inscriptions in this period, there are many phrases, such as "eternal boundless" and so on. In this period, many inscriptions on utensils belong to rhymes, which are also very distinctive. The layout of the inscriptions at this time was neat and standard, with horizontal lines and vertical columns. Clear rectangular lattices can be seen in a few rubbings of utensils. This shows that the pipe of drawing the grid first and then making characters according to the grid was adopted in making the model. The characters of the characters in this period are quite obvious: first, they are generally rectangular in size; second, most of the strokes are thin and uniform lines, with only individual characters. For example, there are dots on the top of "Tian" character, "dot like" dot "at the bottom of" Dan ", and" Ding "is still written as dots, i.e." Yutiao ". Due to the elegant shape and neat ranks, the inscriptions of this period are generally solemn and solemn. As mentioned above, "yuzhuti" actually originated in the late Western Zhou Dynasty, but it was only in this period that it became popular. For example, the inscriptions of Shi Song Ding and Da Ke Ding in the period of Yi Wang or Li Wang.


The pot is tall and stable, with a long upper body, a full lower abdomen, a long neck and a drooping belly. It has a ring foot on its head and ears on its head, and a ring on its top. The whole body has three layers of patterns, and the ground is filled with thunder patterns. The pot body is divided into upper, middle and lower sections by two groups of string patterns. Each section is decorated with wavy patterns, and the patterns are filled with triangle, mouth and eyebrow. The crown is decorated with phoenix pattern. The animal body curl pattern on the cover edge and circle foot is rough and bold, smooth and free, which shows the solemnity and solemnity of high ancient temples.


Wavy pattern, formerly known as girdle pattern, is a wide banded body with a large amount of bending up and down. In the middle of the wave curve, there is usually a protrusion of the order of beasts or similar animal head shape, and the middle of the wave crest is filled with dragon patterns, bird patterns, scales, etc., which should be abstractly changed from the dragon patterns or animal patterns of the Shang Dynasty and the early Western Zhou Dynasty. Such patterns can also be seen in the bronze wares of the Western Zhou Dynasty, such as the famous Dake tripod and Songhu.



The pot is 54 cm in height, 17.6 cm in diameter, 32 cm in belly diameter and 26.6 cm in circle foot diameter. It was cast with mould casting method. Due to its fine production, most of the lines in the parts of the body have been polished and leveled. However, there are longitudinal marks of lines from top to bottom in the middle part of the ware, which is symmetrical to the ears of animals. It is an important evidence to identify early bronzes.


The shape and decoration of this pot are very similar to the famous bronze ware three year pot unearthed from the Western Zhou Dynasty bronze hoard in Shaanxi Province and now in the Zhouyuan Museum of Shaanxi Province. There are inscriptions on the body of the three-year pot, which is dated to the middle of the Western Zhou Dynasty. It is a sacrificial vessel made by the nobility of the Western Zhou Dynasty to thank the emperor for his reward. The age and function of this teapot with wavy pattern and double ear cap should be similar to the bronze pot unearthed in Zhouyuan. It is an important ritual vessel cast by the upper class aristocrats in the Western Zhou Dynasty.



"The great event of the state lies in the worship and the military service". The bronze sacrificial vessels in the Shang and Zhou dynasties not only have aesthetic value, but also are important props for various rituals before and after the sacrificial rites and invasions under the command of the emperor, showing the "beauty of ferocity" representing the unity of religious authority and political rule, and bearing an extraordinary historical and cultural significance. This pot is the shell of a cooked pit, which is an old collection of Japan's Chuguang Art Museum. Chuguang art museum is a world-famous art museum founded by Japanese private enterprises. It opened in 1966 in Zhaohe's 40th year. Its collection of Chinese antiques has attracted worldwide attention due to its high quality and high quality.





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