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Chinese Academy of Oil Painting Museum presents 2011 Graduate Trainees Reported Exhibition

2011-07-07 10:07:13 作者:Silver Luo 来源:Artron.net 0次浏览


(Artron.net Zhang Jiage) July 3, 2011 Chinese Academy of Oil Painting graduate trainees reported exhibition held at Chinese Academy of Oil Painting Museum. This is the forth year, 200 paintings from 31 trainees showcased in this exhibition, most of which all came from the Shanxi and Shandong sketchy works by the trainees under the guidance of president Yang Feiyun and guest professor Chen Danqing, both of whom are all famous Oil Painting artist in China, the symposium of this exhibition held later at the same day.

This exhibition will last form July 3 to July 14.

A man look at the painting on July 3, 2011  Chinese Academy of Oil Painting graduate trainees reported exhibition.

People came to visit 2011  Chinese Academy of Oil Painting graduate trainees reported exhibition, July 3.


推荐关键字:Chinese Academy of Oil Painting contemporary art graduate exhibition Oil Painting


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