【关 键 字】: 拍卖 2011年艺术品市场 艺术品投资 市场研究报告
【出品单位】: 雅昌艺术市场监测中心(AMMA)
【主管单位】: 雅昌艺术网
【出版日期】: 2012年3月
【报告页码】: 60页
【图表数量】: 19个
A. 经济环境及市场前景预期
Economic Environment and Confidence Forecast
A•1 宏观经济形势与艺术品市场预测 6
Macroeconomic Situation and Art Market Forecast
A•2 市场信心度及预期分析 8
Art Market Confidence and Forecast Analysis
B. 2011 年度中国艺术品拍卖市场综述
Analysis of 2011 Chinese Art Auction Market
B•1 拍卖规模迅速扩张,高价拍品刷新纪录 11
Auction Scale Boomed, New Records Generated
B•2 春秋两季,喜忧参半 14
Spring Boomed, Autumn Declined
B•3 书画拍卖仍占主导地位 18
Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy Still Dominated
B•4 北京和香港两地市场地位巩固 20
Beijing and Hong Kong Had Solid Market Positions
B•5 市场进入调整期 买家关注性价比 22
Adjusted Market Calls for Cost Performance
B•6 藏家专场蜂拥而至,市场亦理性对待 24
Renowned-Collector-Auction Encountered with Rational Buyers
B•7 机构频频入场,金融资本择机而动 26
Institutional Funds and Financial Capital Performed Actively
C. 书画、瓷杂与油画及当代艺术市场动态
Market Dynamics of the three Major Segments of the Art Market
C•1 中国书画拍卖市场 30
Performance of Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy Market
C.2 瓷器杂项拍卖市场
Performance of Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Market
C.3 早期油画稳步发展,当代艺术早期精品一枝独秀 36
Modern Oil Painting and Masterpiece of Contemporary Art Outshine Others
D. 艺术品拍卖行业分析
Performance of Chinese Art Auction Houses
D•1 四大金刚领跑市场,竞争进入专业化时代 40
Four Giants Leads the Market into Specialized Competition
D•2 保证金开道,价格战激烈 42
Fierce Competition Brought Guarantee Fees and Price War
D•3 拍卖行业乱象丛生,亟待规范 43
Auction Industry Was Fraught with Illegal Operations and Badly Needed Regulation
E. 2011 年海外市场观察
Overview of Overseas Market
F. 2011 年中国艺术品拍卖高价TOP 100
Auctioned Chinese Artworks TOP100 IN 2011
2.本报告是由北京雅昌文化发展有限公司下属的雅昌艺术市场监测中心,通过对2011 年中国艺术品拍卖市场的357 家拍卖公司、3,112 个专场、663,653 件上拍卖作品、327,212 件成交作品的数据采集,进行分析研究,对2011 全年艺术市场做了详尽的描述和分析。各种调查、分析结果数据供收藏投资者、媒体及其他人士个人参考研究使用。
3.本报告著作权归北京雅昌文化发展有限公司所有,未经北京雅昌文化发展有限公司书面允许,不得将该报告全部或部分内容,以任何形式复制、转让、出售、发布给第三方。相关单位及个人对《中国艺术品拍卖市场调查报告(2011 年)》的任何转载使用,均须事先与雅昌艺术市场监测中心(AMMA) 联系并取得书面同意( 联系电话:010-80480080 523 或Email:amma@artron.net)。转载时须在明显位置注名信息来源于: 雅昌艺术市场监测中心(AMMA)。
4.相关单位及个人未经许可擅自使用《中国艺术品拍卖市场调查报告(2011 年)》的行为都是严重的侵权行为,北京雅昌文化发展有限公司保留通过司法途径追究相关单位及个人法律责任的权利。
Legal Notices
1. The data and pictures contained in this report are duly authorized by the partners of Beijing Artron Cultural Development Co., Ltd.
2. Prepared by Art Market Monitor of Artron which is affiliated to Beijing Artron Cultural Development Co., Ltd, this Report carries out year-on-year and chain analytical study of the data collected of the 2011 art auction market, and provides specific description and analysis of the 2011 art auctions market. All the survey and analytical results data are references for use by collectors, investors, media and others concerned.
3. The copyright of this Report is owned by Beijing Artron Cultural Development Co., Ltd. Any duplication, transfer, selling and distribution of all or part of the content in any form to any third party without written permission is prohibited. Any reproduction and use of Chinese Art Auction Market: 2011 by any unit and individual concerned must obtain the written approval of Art Market Monitor of Artron (Phone No.: +86 10 80489038 or 80480080 ext.523). The information source of Artron Art Market Monitoring Center must be indicated in a remarkable place when reproduced.
4. Any unauthorized use of Chinese Art Auction Market: 2011 by any unit and individual concerned without permission shall be deemed as a serious infringement act. Beijing Artron Cultural Development Co.,Ltd. reserves the right to take legal actions against any unit andindividual concerned for any legal responsibility.