My Dream World——Art Garden Party
Art, as an imaginative translation of everyday life, extends from the individual to the entire empirical world. The art world melts the boundary between the subject and the object in the everyday world,thus,the "world" and "I" become different sides of a cube, between which, intersection and overlap constitute "My World". Art, as a creative activity, constitutes the mapping relationship between “me” and “the world”, that is, the subject obtains the experience of world through art, while the objective world originally external to the subject returns to the subject itself through art, forming a closed loop of the feedback. “My World” is related to the empirical world faced by “I”, and to other people’s world. The mutual penetration and wrapping of individual worlds form a parallel and intersecting world network. In the world network formed by the juxtaposition of individuals, the original natural differences between individuals are transformed into interactions between the worlds.
The exhibition My Dream World brings together more than 20 artists’ artworks and art derivatives by the Creative Garden and Wind Market, showing the two dimensions of art and daily life related to the creation of the world. In the consumer context formed by the Wind Market, art derivatives become the protagonist, exploring the path of art into daily life. In the Creative Garden, artists create a colorful art world through their own creation. The construction of this space, while digging up artistic diversity, embarked on a journey of artistic exploration with a dramatic scene.
My Dream World——Art Garden Party, trying to break the boundaries between the art world and the world of daily life, explore the infinite vitality inspired by art in the exhibition space composed of art creation and art production.
柴文涛 寓言1 80x80cm 数字绘画 2020
丛浩 婀娜 版画
董彦希 新宝岛 木板综合材料 120×180cm 2019
杜如雪 Poker Face1 版画
郭柯君 晨曦 版画
韩墨 金色记忆 版画
何田 Moon 布面油画 100×100cm 2020
贺秀 梦游系列之九 版画
黄帆 慵懒的风14 版画
吉儿 清晨的森林 版画
李仁渤 时光基地 版画
郦江渝 丽系列之三 版画
梁兰若 梦里的日子很多 版画
宋天琦 一个下午 数字绘画 37.5×50cm 2020
孙石磊 晴NO.4 版画
王昊 我的王国 版画
王会慧 猫系列之十一 版画
王羡 100个你没有去过的地方-1 影像 截图 尺寸可变 2020
许峰 疫停春晚之二十三 43x11cm 纸本水墨 2020
闫泓池 白蓝白W 丙烯 24×21cm 2019
张占占 pupu小憩 宝丽石烤漆
展览地点:北戴河新区 SEATOPIA蔚蓝海岸 新丝路天空之境美术馆
主办: 远洋集团•北北假日
承办: 远洋蔚蓝海岸、远洋新丝路文化发展有限公司
+86 010-85164650
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